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유이 츠루노
Tsuruno Yui , 由比 鶴乃
최근수정 2020-02-25 09:13:25
랭킹: 129781위 -259 인기도: 0 프리미엄: -100 감정가: 0
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성별 : 
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키/몸무게 : 

Tsuruno Yui (由比 鶴乃)A magical girl who is reckless and full of energy. She comes from a historic, honorable family and will always respect and admire her grandfather and great-grandfather who guided it to prosperity.

On the other hand, in the present day where the Yui household has fallen into ruin, she struggles greatly to try and restore its name, and for that purpose, her aim is to become the strongest magical girl of all.

(Source: Magia Record Wiki)

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