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토라마루 쇼
Shou Toramaru , 寅丸 星
최근수정 2021-08-07 11:09:07
랭킹: 9943위 -7 인기도: 2,204 프리미엄: -77 감정가: 79
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성별 : 여성
생일 : 
키/몸무게 : 
Shou is a tiger youkai and a disciple of the god Bishamonten who lives at the Myouren Temple as the avatar of this god. As she attracts wealth, she is one of the only things that draws any humans to the predominantly youkai-inhabited temple in the first place. It has been said that she resembles statues of Bishamonten, though she doesn't look like him at all.

Along with Minamitsu Murasa and the other youkai aboard the Palanquin Ship, she seeks to revive Byakuren Hijiri after she had been sealed away in Makai by humans.

(Source: Touhou Wikia)

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